Derrick P. Holdstock, Owner

Derrick began his career as a wildlife biologist and managed wildlife habitat using prescribed fire beginning in 2001. His career transitioned to full time fire with Texas Parks and Wildlife, eventually serving as the West Texas Regional Fire Coordinator for the Wildlife Division. Derrick also served several details with the US Forest Service on crews and engines, spent time on the contract side in both operations and planning functional areas, and was a founding member of the Adobe Walls Fire Module for the Borger Fire Department. His operational qualifications include Type 5 Incident Commander (ICT5), Type 3 Prescribed Fire Burn Boss (RXB3), Firing Boss (FIRB), and Engine Boss (ENGB).
Bork of Directors

Pictured left to right are Rosie, Suzie, Clyde, Amelia, Jesse, Bentley, Morgan, and Bonnie. Their role in the business is to oversee the expenditure of most of the profits, manage the inventory of (following the efficient depletion of) strategic treat reserves, and ensure that belly rubs are being administered at all times.