Wildfire Risk Assessments

In order to truly understand the effects a wildfire may have on a property, you must understand all of the elements of fuels, weather, and topography that will affect how a fire will burn. Allow us to make sense of it all for you.
Fuels Treatment Planning

It is one thing to understand wildfire risk and another to come up with an efficient plan as to what to do about it. Developing treatments that are specific enough to make the fuel complex burn at the desired, more manageable, intensity, yet not destructive enough to make what is left look like a parking lot, is very difficult without modelling that future risk. That is where we can help you make sure you are not just throwing money at the problem, but rather developing a sound plan.
Fire Spread Animations

Whether it is to recreate a past fire or to simulate a future fire under specific conditions, animations provide a visual way to demonstrate fire spread and are a great way to educate people about the danger of untreated fuels. Animations can be run with current fuels and then again on “treated” fuels prior to treatment in order to demonstrate the expected effects. These can be coupled with maps depicting fire behavior as the flaming front passes.
Prescribed Fire Behavior

Whether you are just trying to evaluate what holding resources you will need on your prescribed fire or determine how your critical holding points change with wind direction in order to select the optimum conditions under which to burn, don’t rely on non-spatial BEHAVE predictions. We can help you visualize your prescribed fire well in advance of that GO/NO GO decision.